March 31, 2022 by Klaus Crow

Hi folks, I wish you a wonderful Wednesday, and with that a Wonderful Wednesday Blues Lick! This blues lick has got slides, double stops and cool bends. I guess it’s more of an intermediate blues lick, but if you are a beginner and you play it slowly you might can get away with it ;)
Blues Lick in the key of E
We’re playing a blues lick that is derived from the minor pentatonic blues scale and we’re playing it in the key of E. The lick contains the blue note (b5) and the major 6th, which makes it fresh, rich and modern sounding. It’s a pretty damn cool lick. 😎👍
Below you can find the tabs and video lesson to learn this Wonderful Wednesday blues lick.
Share your wonderful feedback and questions in the comments. I read and reply to all your messages.
Warm regards,
~ Klaus Crow
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I’ve been following you for quite some time now and In my opinion your the best blues teacher on the Web hands down! You break it down perfectly so all guitarist could figure it out. Keep up the Great work. So to all you blues players who get the blues trying to play the blues, the blue sky is the limit if to if you subscribe to because Klaus Crow is Awesome. Michael Brodowicz 🎸
Hi Michael, I appreciate it man. Your words are too kind.
I’ll try to remain humble ;) and live up to the standard of explaining things clearly so
everyone can keep up and understand.
Thanks mate!
I am new to GUITARHABITS but I have found your lessons to be EXACTLY what I have been looking for. I really do appreciate the way you teach!
Bill B.
Hi Bill,
Thanks, I appreciate that.
Have a good practice!