April 4, 2022 by Klaus Crow
Hi lovely people, I’ve got a 12 Bar Blues Progression for you today with a basic strumming pattern, a basic turnaround and some extra fancy triplet turnarounds to spice things up.
Basic 12 Bar Blues Progression
This 12 Bar Blues shuffle is in the key of E and moves through the following 12 bar chord progression:
/ E7 / E7 / E7 / E7 / A7 / A7 / E7 / E7 / B7 / A7 / E7 / B7 /
The last four bars of the progression function as the turnaround. You can play this by strumming through the pattern / B7 / A7 / E7 / B7 / or finish it with a more enhanced turnaround that makes the progression sound really cool. Eventually you want to learn both. If you’re a beginner just start with the basic turnaround.
Basic 12 Bar Blues Strumming Pattern
For the strumming pattern we play: ↓↓↑↑↓↑ “down-down-up-up-down-up” for each bar / measure throughout the entire progression.
Below there’s a video lesson where I explain the entire 12 bar blues with the strumming patten and different blues turnarounds.
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