September 1, 2022 by Klaus Crow

photo by Marco Raaphorst
The room where you spend most of your time is of great importance to your playing.
I have noticed that when I put my electric guitar in the living room I tend to play more solos, riffs and licks.
When I put my acoustic guitar in the room I will play more fingerpicking style, blues licks or try to figure out nice chord changes.
Writing songs is something I am also more likely to do on an acoustic guitar.
Our busy “need to get things done” society has such a major impact on our lives, there might be times where your guitar doesn’t see the light of day. When your guitar is not right in front of you in those busy times, it is possible that it doesn’t occur to you to play at all.
A great way to change this awful situation is to design the room you play in. Your room must breath music, inspire you, be effective and suitable and make you want to pick up that guitar every time you are there.
Here are 5 keys to make this thing work:
Make sure you get rid of everything you don’t need or haven’t used in a period of time. Clutter will distract you from focusing on your guitar playing. A nice clean and practical space will benefit your practice and writing sessions.
Make sure you guitar is in the room. Every time you walk in or out the room it needs to be visible. “Out of sight is out of mind” If you can’t see the guitar it won’t remind you to play on it.
You always need to be reminded of your passion, because there are so many things that will distract you from it. There are always things that need to be done like admin tasks, errands, household chores, etc. They will keep you from playing as long as your guitar is out of sight. “Visibility” is the magic word here.
Make it difficult for yourself to not pick up that guitar. Put your favorite music sheets on a nice music stand somewhere in the room where it looks attractive and where you will be drawn to it.
Put a CD with a favorite song you want to learn on the music stand as well.
Put a picture of your favorite guitar player, singer songwriter or anything that will inspire you on your computer’s desktop.
Find a nice sweet spot for your guitar amp and effect pedals. Make sure they are ready to be rocked anytime you are in the mood.
Schedule your practice sessions. Write them on your wall calendar, computer calendar and calendar of your mobile phone.
Write down reminders, favorite songs, licks or riffs you want to learn, favorite quotes that will inspire and motivate you to pick up that guitar.
If you have a bookshelf or bookcase in your room put your guitar books at eye level so they will be noticed.
Bookmark your favorite guitar blogs, websites and videos, and make sure you can find them easily when you turn to your computer of phone.
Make sure capo, bottleneck, picks, strings, tuner are easy accessible.
Put one or two guitar magazines on the table. Not in a messy way but in a nice and practical way.
“Nothing pleases me more than to go into a room and come out with a piece of music. “ – Paul McCartney
Do you have more tips? Please share them in the comments. I appreciate it.
Thanxs man for this useful advice!! Klaus Crow rocks!!!!! I’ll save this article on my computer!
Hi Al,
Thanx for letting me know you liked it.
That way I learn what people want to know.
Klaus Crow
Hai Klaus,
Always a pleasure and always inspiring reading your posts. This post is powerful by its simplicity and though I recognize a few of your keys, they contain a few as well, I can still improve. Thanx
Hey Rob,
I’m glad I could add some more tips.
You are right the solution can often be quite simple, we just need to be reminded once in a while.
Klaus Crow
Kudos and great thanks!
Hi Sheila,
Thanx for the comment!
I aprreciate it.
Klaus Crow
Good advice… best thing I’ve done recently is to hang both electric and acoustic next to the couch… I play a LOT more than when they were in cases…
Over the past few years I have managed to collect 5 decent guitars…two acoustics, one acoustic/electric, an electric, and a spanish rhythm guitar. It really wasn’t hard …all but one I bought used in pawn shops..which you can find some pretty amazing guitars in pawn shops. I keep a guitar in every room that I spend time in…not in their cases but on guitar stands or either hanging on the wall. Not only do I enjoy looking at my beautiful guitars but I cannot resist picking them up every time i go in a room. I treated myself to a couple of really nice practice amps and those go in the two most lived in rooms. Now no matter where i’m at in the house..I can pick up a guitar and get to it. Even if i’m watching tv…commercials are excellent times to practice scales.
Hi Leigh,
Awesome. Good for you!
I now even got a guitar hanging in my kitchen, so I can play while I’m cooking dinner.
Thanks for your comment Leigh. Appreciate it.
Best regards,
Klaus Crow