Photo by Gavin Whitner

Whether you are practicing rhythm along with a backing track, perfecting your guitar solo, or expanding your improvisation skills over a jam track, you will find it a true joy and it’s SO good for your guitar playing.
Practicing with jam and backing tracks develops and enhances your rhythm, feel and timing for music and your ability to lock into the groove of the drum and bass, which is an imperative skill for any musician.
When you study a lead guitar solo it’s good to play along with the track without actually hearing the original notes of the solo and learn to fill in your solo between the spaces while keeping up with the right tempo, timing and feel of the song.
It’s the perfect way to practice what it’s like to play with a real band and what that requires from your playing. You have to learn and memorize songs, practicing them over and over until you get it right from beginning to end, until you feel comfortable enough to play it in front of an audience.
If you want to get good at soloing & improvisation, jam tracks are the best tools to exercise, drill, explore and train yourself for the challenge of playing over chord progressions. It’s a must-do.
So today, we got some great hiqh quality sounding jam & backing tracks for every kind of musical style and purpose.
Now you know what to do. Set aside a part of your daily workout to practice with jam & backing tracks and watch your playing improve and unfold.
2 – MyDarnJamTracks
3 – JamTracksChannel