Photo by Marta Monleón
Modes are used in all kinds of musical styles like Jazz, Blues, Rock, Metal, etc. They create a certain mood or feel to your playing.
If you feel like you are stuck playing solos using just Major/Minor or Pentatonic/Blues scales all the time, you’re ready to call on the modes and dive a little deeper.
When you first get introduced to modes you might be a little bit overwhelmed, but at the same time it’s also exciting to explore this whole new world of boundless possibilities.
It’s all about the journey and not the destination, so just take it slow and enjoy the process!
The 7 Modes of the Major Scale
Modes are scales which can be derived from the major scale. The 7 modes of the major scale are:
1 – Ionian
2 – Dorian
3 – Phrygian
4 – Lydian
5 – Mixolydian
6 – Aeolian
7 – Locrian
Each mode starts and stops on a different note within the major scale. E.g.: The Dorian mode starts on the second degree of the major scale all the way up to an octave higher, the Phrygian mode starts on the third degree of the major scale up to an octave higher, the Lydian mode starts on the fourth degree of the major scale up to an octave higher and so on.
For example, Modes derived from C major:
C Ionian, D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian, G Mixolydian, A Aeolian, B Locrian.
C Major = C D E F G A B
D Dorian = D E F G A B C D
E Phrygian = E F G A B C D E
F Lydian = F G A B C D E F
G Mixolydian = G A B C D E F G
A Aeolian = A B C D E F G A
B Locrian = B C D E F G A B
What you want is to be able play these modes in any given key, depending on the song or chord progression. Let’s say you want to play these modes starting on C: C Ionian, C Dorian, C Phrygian, C Lydian, C Mixolydian, C Aeolian and C Lorcian.
You have to figure out from which major scale each mode is derived from. Let’s take C Dorian for example. If the Dorian mode is from the 2nd degree of the major scale, the question becomes:
“C” is the second degree of which major scale? The answer is Bb
Bb major scale = Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
C Dorian = C D Eb F G A Bb C
Do the same with the other modes. If Phrygian mode is from the 3rd degree of the major scale, ask yourself: “C” is the third degree of which major scale? The answer is Ab
Ab major scale = Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
C Phrygian = C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C
And so on.
I’ll show you two fingerings to play for each mode. I’ll give you the notes, mode formula, whole/half step formula, mood and the associated chord type.
In the example below we’re playing all 7 modes starting on C.
The first mode, the Ionian mode is starting from the root note/tonic in the scale.
So the Ionian mode and the major scale are basically the same.
The (C Ionian) notes are: C D E F G A B C
Mode formula = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1 – 1 – 1/2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1/2
Mood: Happy / upbeat.
Chord type = Maj or Maj7 (so in this case CMaj or CMaj7)
C Ionian starting from the E-string e:--------------------------------------------8----------| B:-------------------------------------10-12-------------| G:----------------------------9-10-12--------------------| D:-------------------9-10-12-----------------------------| A:----------8-10-12--------------------------------------| E:--8-10-12----------------------------------------------|
C Ionian starting from the A-string e:----------------------------------------5-7-8----------| B:---------------------------------5-6-8-----------------| G:-------------------------4-5-7-------------------------| D:-----------------3-5-7---------------------------------| A:---------3-5-7-----------------------------------------| E:-------------------------------------------------------| Assignment 1: Learn the C Ionian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Play each mode in different keys. E.G.: If you play C Ionian up a whole step (moving the entire scale 2 frets up), you are playing D Ionian mode. If you move down the scale a half step (1 fret) from C you are playing B Ionian. So practice the Ionian mode in different places across the neck.
The C Dorian mode starts on the second degree of the Bb major scale.
The (C Dorian) notes are: C D Eb F G A Bb C
Mode formula (compared to the major scale) = 1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1 - 1/2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 1
Mood: Minor Jazzy feel.
Chord type = min or min7 (so in this case Cmin or Cmin7)
C Dorian starting from the E-string e:-----------------------------------------------8--------| B:-----------------------------------------10-11----------| G:-------------------------------8-10-12------------------| D:---------------------8-10-12----------------------------| A:-----------8-10-12--------------------------------------| E:--8-10-11-----------------------------------------------|
C Dorian starting from the A-string) e:-----------------------------------------5-6-8----------| B:---------------------------------4-6-8------------------| G:-------------------------3-5-7--------------------------| D:-----------------3-5-7----------------------------------| A:---------3-5-6------------------------------------------| E:--------------------------------------------------------| Assignment 1: Learn D Dorian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Play the modes in different keys through the cycle of 4ths. Assignment 3: Play the Ionian modes as well.
C Phrygian mode starts on the third degree of the Ab major scale.
The (C Phrygian) notes are: C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C
Mode formula = 1 b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1/2 - 1 - 1- 1- 1/2 - 1 - 1
Mood: Spanish, Flamenco.
Chord type = min or min7 (so in this case Cmin or Cmin7)
C Phrygian starting from the E-string e:------------------------------------------------8------| B:------------------------------------------9-11---------| G:--------------------------------8-10-12----------------| D:----------------------8-10-11--------------------------| A:------------8-10-11------------------------------------| E:----8-9-11---------------------------------------------|
C Phrygian starting from the A-string e:-----------------------------------------4-6-8---------| B:---------------------------------4-6-8-----------------| G:-------------------------3-5-6-------------------------| D:-----------------3-5-6---------------------------------| A:---------3-4-6-----------------------------------------| E:-------------------------------------------------------|
Assignment 1: Learn C Phrygian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Play each mode up a half step all the way up to the 12th fret and back again. Assignment 3: Take a break and make yourself a hot cappuccino. Assignment 4: Play the Ionian and Dorian modes as well.
C Lydian mode starts on the fourth degree of the G major scale.
The (C Lydian) notes are: C D E F# G A B C
Mode formula = 1 2 3 #4 5 6 7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1 - 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 1 - 1 - 1/2
Mood: Dreamy, floating.
Chord type = Maj or Maj7 (so in this case CMaj or CMaj7)
C Lydian starting from the E-string e:------------------------------------------------8------| B:-----------------------------------------10-12---------| G:--------------------------------9-11-12----------------| D:----------------------9-10-12--------------------------| A:------------9-10-12------------------------------------| E:----8-10-12--------------------------------------------|
C Lydian starting from the A-string e:-----------------------------------------5-7-8---------| B:---------------------------------5-7-8-----------------| G:-------------------------4-5-7-------------------------| D:-----------------4-5-7---------------------------------| A:---------3-5-7-----------------------------------------| E:-------------------------------------------------------|
Assignment 1: Learn the C Lydian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Play each mode up a whole step all the way up to the 12th fret and back again. Assignment 3: Go for a run and take a nice shower. Assignment 4: Practice the Ionian, Dorian and Phrygian modes.
C Mixolydian mode starts on the fifth degree of the F major scale.
The (C Mixolydian) notes are: C D E G G A Bb C
Mode formula = 1 2 3 4 5 6 b7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 1
Mood: Bluesy
Chord type = Maj or Dominant7 (so in this case CMaj or C7)
C Mixolydian starting from the E-string e:-------------------------------------------------8------| B:----------------------------------------8-10-11---------| G:-------------------------------7-9-10-------------------| D:----------------------7-8-10----------------------------| A:------------7-8-10--------------------------------------| E:----8-10------------------------------------------------|
C Mixolydian starting from the A-string e:---------------------------------------3-5-6-8----------| B:-------------------------------3-5-6--------------------| G:-----------------------2-3-5----------------------------| D:---------------2-3-5------------------------------------| A:---------3-5--------------------------------------------| E:--------------------------------------------------------|
Assignment 1: Learn the C Mixolydian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Practice the Mixolydian mode randomly in different keys.(E.g.: E-string in the key of Bb, A-string in the key of C, E-string in the key of F, A-string in the key of G, etc.) Assignment 3: Meditate for 20 minutes. Assignment 4: Practice the Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian and Lydian modes.
C Aeolian mode starts on the sixth degree of the Eb major scale.
(Aeolian mode is the same as the natural minor scale)
The (C Aeolian) notes are: C D Eb F G Ab Bb C
Mode formula = 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1 - 1/2 - 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 1 - 1
Mood: Sad, somber, unhappy.
Chord type = min or min7 (so in this case Cmin or Cmin7)
C Aeolian starting from the E-string e:--------------------------------------------8-------------| B:------------------------------------8-9-11----------------| G:----------------------------7-8-10------------------------| D:---------------------8-10---------------------------------| A:-----------8-10-11----------------------------------------| E:--8-10-11-------------------------------------------------|
C Aeolian starting from the A-string) e:--------------------------------------3-4-6-8-------------| B:-------------------------------3-4-6----------------------| G:-------------------------3-5------------------------------| D:-----------------3-5-6------------------------------------| A:---------3-5-6--------------------------------------------| E:----------------------------------------------------------|
Assignment 1: Learn the C Aeolian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Practice each mode in different keys. Assignment 3: Take a 30 minute break and pour yourself some hot green tea with nice biscuits. Assignment 4: Practice the Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian and Mixolydian modes.
C Locrian mode starts on the seventh degree of the Db major scale.
The (C Locrian) notes are: C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C
Mode formula : 1 b2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7 8
Whole/half step formula = 1/2 - 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 1 - 1 - 1
Mood: Dark, sinister.
Chord type = dim or m7b5 (so in this case Cdim or Cm7b5)
B Locrian starting from the E-string e:------------------------------------------------8-------| B:------------------------------------------9-11----------| G:--------------------------------8-10-11-----------------| D:----------------------8-10-11---------------------------| A:------------8-9-11--------------------------------------| E:----8-9-11----------------------------------------------|
C Phrygian starting from the A-string e:-----------------------------------------4-6-8----------| B:---------------------------------4-6-7------------------| G:-------------------------3-5-6--------------------------| D:-----------------3-4-6----------------------------------| A:---------3-4-6------------------------------------------| E:--------------------------------------------------------|
Assignment 1: Learn the C Locrian mode starting from the E and A string. Assignment 2: Practice each mode up a whole step all the way to the 12th fret and back again. Assignment 3: Practice all the other modes as well. Assignment 4: Take a nap.
Well done! Give yourself a pat on the shoulder. You can be proud of yourself! You managed to play all the scales/modes up and down the fretboard in different keys. Learn to understand the basics and play the modes in 7 days. It's a great place to start from. From there you can start your journey through the vast possibilities of improvising and soloing with modes. If you want know more about modes check out Frank Gambale's "Modes no more mystery"Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Give it your best and you'll benefit!