October 20, 2023 by Klaus Crow

Many years ago I searched for “Damien Rice similar artists” on Last.fm and suddenly I heard a song called “La Cienega Just Smiled”. The song and the voice caught my attention, so I looked up the artist and found out his name was “Ryan Adams”.
I started diving into his songs and a whole new world opened up for me, I couldn’t stop listening and playing his songs. I was absolutely sold, and I still am. My guitar students have to learn a lot of Ryan Adams songs haha!
For me Ryan Adams has the whole package. A magnificent voice, rough and tender rhythm guitar, damn riffs, heavenly harmonies and a beautiful mix of alternative country and rock music.
It’s staggering I haven’t written this blog post before but now it’s time! I’ve created a Top 28 Best Ryan Adams guitar songs that give you a pretty good introduction and insight into the awesome catalog of brilliant songs this man has written and performed over the years.
I’ve included the chords and tabs to the songs below so you can start improving your guitar playing, your songwriting skills and learn from the absolute best.
Have a wonderful time and thank me later ;)
Oh My sweet Carolina
“Oh My Sweet Carolina” is one of Ryan’s most cherished songs, its emotional folk-rock ballad released in 2000 as part of his debut solo album “Heartbreaker.”
For the backing vocals, he reached out to Emmylou Harris (one of Ryan Adams’ heroes) who provided her angelic voice, adding the perfect touch that made the song complete.
Adams wrote the song while living in New York City, far away from his Southern roots. Feeling the pull of his homeland, he penned the song as a form of catharsis and a way to express his yearning for the familiar landscapes and memories of North Carolina.
The song is in the key of C major, with a 4/4 time signature and a gentle tempo around 75 BPM. The song is a mix of finger style and soft strumming using hammer-ons and pull-offs on the C chord. The chords in the song are C, F, G, G, Am and C/G.
Do I wait
“Do I Wait” is a soulful track (one of my top 3 favorite go-to-songs to play and sing) released on October 11, 2011 on the 13th studio album Ashes & Fire, .” Written during a time of personal reflection, it showcases Adams’ songwriting prowess and emotional depth.
The song was recorded with producer Glyn Johns at Sunset Sound Studios in Hollywood California.
The key of the song is G major, in a 4/4 time with a moderate tempo around 100 BPM. The song starts with an absolutely gorgeous chord-riff that is also played during the verses and then moves on to a chorus with an incredible vocal melody line supported with an easy chord progression that fits perfectly.
The chords in the song are C, G, Am, Em, D, C/B. providing a melodious backdrop to Adams’ introspective lyrics and soulful delivery.
Come pick me up
“Come Pick Me Up” is a cool song and made its debut in 2000 as part of his album “Heartbreaker.”
The song is known for its heartfelt and emotionally charged lyrics. It’s a melancholic and somewhat desperate plea for comfort and companionship during a time of heartache. The song’s chorus, “Come pick me up, take me out, fuck me up; steal my records, screw all my friends,” captures the raw and honest expression of pain and vulnerability.
The song is in the key of C major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a tempo around 74 BPM. Chords used in the song include G, Em7, C, Csus2, Csus2/B, D and G/B, which combine to form the bittersweet backdrop for Adams’ heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies.
When the stars go blue
“When the Stars Go Blue” was released in 2001 on his album “Gold.” It’s a song that beautifully explores themes of love and longing.
The song was also covered by the Irish band “The Corrs and Bono from U2.
The song is in the key of G major, adhering to a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 120 BPM. The strumming pattern predominantly plays down-up-down-up creating a gentle and rhythmic flow for the song. There are only four chords in the song: Am, C, G and D.
If I am a stranger
“If I Am a Stranger” was released in 2005 as a mid-tempo song on the album “Cold Roses“, but re-released in 2007 on the album “Easy tiger” as a beautiful slow acoustic song where the guitar-riff really stands out.
In 2015 the song was recorded as a live version on the album “Live at Carnegie Hall”, which is my personal favorite recording of the song.
The song is in Gm with a 4/4 time signature with a tempo around 85 BPM. The strumming pattern involves a combination strumming and finger style. The song is played with the capo on the 3rd fret playing the following chords: Em, G6, C for the verses and Dadd4, Em, C, C/B and G for the chorus.
Lucky now
“Lucky Now” is a single that was released in 2011 as part of his album “Ashes & Fire.”
The song starts out with a beautiful intro playing the chords C, F and G using hammer-ons and pull-offs in the typical Ryan fashion.
The song is in the key of C major, playing in a 4/4 time with a tempo of around 95 BPM. It’s a simple 4-chord song consisting of C, F, G and Am.
Dirty rain
“Dirty Rain” is a great song with a bluesy feel. It was released in 2011 on his album “Ashes & Fire.”
The song was inspired by a real-life experience that Ryan Adams had while he was living in New York City. In 2011, Hurricane Irene hit the city and caused widespread flooding and destruction. Ryan Adams said that he wrote “Dirty Rain” as a way of processing his emotions after the storm.
The song is in the key of E major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a tempo around 92 BPM. Chords used in the song are E, A, B, C#m and G#m.
Invisible Riverside
“Invisible Riverside” is a beautiful song by Ryan Adams from his 2011 album “Ashes & Fire.”
The song was inspired by English singer-songwriter Laura Marling’s second album, “I Speak Because I Can”. After former producer Ethan Johns sent Adams a copy of the album, he threw out 80% of what he had written for “Ashes & Fire” and started over. Adams has said that Marling’s music “messed him up” in the best possible way, and that he was inspired to write “Invisible Riverside” after seeing her perform.
The song is in the key of D major, with a 4/4 time signature and a tempo of around 75 BPM. The chords for the song are D, C, G, A, Am, Fmaj7, Am/B, F and Em.
Ashes and fire
“Ashes and Fire” is a gorgeous blues-soulful composition released in 2011 on his album of the same name. The song is about a person who is trying to come to terms with the end of a relationship. The lyrics describe the person’s feelings of sadness and regret as they reflect on the past.
The song is in the key of Bb major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 80 BPM. The song is played with the capo on the 3rd fret using the chords G, G6sus4, C, Cadd9 and Em.
“Firecracker” is a catchy track written. It was released in 2001 on his album “Gold.” The songwriting process for this tune reflects Adams’ ability to blend rock and folk influences into an infectious and memorable song.
The song is in the key of Bb major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a lively tempo around 145 BPM. The guitar rhythm predominantly involves a down-down-up-up-down-up strumming pattern. The song is played with the capo on the 3rd fret, playing the chords G, C, D, A, Em, Am and Bm.
16 days
“16 Days” is a song by the band Whiskeytown, which Ryan Adams formed before pursuing his solo career. The song was released in 1997 as part of the album “Stranger’s Almanac.”
It’s one of the early songs that he still performs today on his live shows. The song is in the key of G major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 84 BPM. The chords used in the song are G, F, C and Am.
Everybody knows
“Everybody Knows” is a poignant song by singer-songwriter Ryan Adams, co-written with guitarist Neal Casal. It was released in 2007 on his album “Easy Tiger.” This track exemplifies Adams’ ability to blend elements of folk and rock, creating a raw and emotionally charged sound.
Although “Everybody Knows” didn’t make significant chart appearances, it’s appreciated by fans for its introspective lyrics and passionate performance.
The song is in the key of F major, played with the capo on the 3rd fret using the chords D, A7sus4, C, F, Am, G, D7 and Cadd9.
“Two” is a beautiful touching ballad from his 2007 album “Easy Tiger”. The lyrics describe the singer’s desire to be close to the object of their affection, which in this case is drugs.
The song is in the key of A major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a tempo around 74 BPM. The capo is on the 2nd fret playing G, C, D and Em.
“Desire” is a captivating song that was released in 2002 on his album “Demolition.”
The song is in the key of G major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 80 BPM. The song is played with the capo on the 5th fret using the chords D, G, Bm, Bm/A, Em7, G/F# and A.
New York, New York
“New York, New York” is an iconic song written and performed by the versatile singer-songwriter Ryan Adams. Released in 2001 on his album “Gold,” the song was written as a tribute to New York City, where Ryan Adams lived for several years.
The lyrics mention several lower Manhattan geographic references, including the intersection of Avenue A and 10th Street, Houston Street, and Avenue B. In the song, the singer reflects on his life in New York and a failed love affair.
The music video for “New York, New York” was filmed on September 7, 2001, just four days before the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. The video features Ryan Adams performing in front of the Manhattan skyline from Brooklyn. The Twin Towers can be prominently seen in the background. As a result of the attacks, a message was placed at the end of the video dedicating it to those who lost their lives and to “those who worked to save them”.
The song is in the key of A major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 96 BPM. The song is played with the capo on the 2nd fret using the chords G, G6sus4, D and C.
La Cienega just smiled
“La Cienega Just Smiled” is a song, released in 2000 as part of his album “Heartbreaker.” The song was written as a homage to Los Angeles, where Ryan Adams lived for several years. The lyrics mention several geographic references in the city, including La Cienega Boulevard and Melrose Avenue.
The song is in the key of G# major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 84 BPM. The song is played with the capo on the 3rd fret, using the chords F, G, C, C/B and Am.
Wild flowers
“Wild Flowers” is a soulful song released in 2000 on his album “Heartbreaker” often performed live with guitar player and band member Neil Casal. The song was written as a tribute to Tom Petty, who was one of Ryan Adams’ biggest musical influences.
The song uses a combination of fingerpicking and strumming. The song is in key of D major and consists of the chords D, Dsus2, D9, D/F#, Gmaj7, G6, A, Em7, Gm7, Em, G, Dm, C, F#, Bm, Em/F# and F#m.
Rosalie come and go
“Rosalie Come and Go” is a song by Ryan Adams, released in 2001 on his album “Gold.” The song has a real nice Rolling Stones / Black Crowes kind a vibe to it.
The song is in the key of E major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a tempo around 120 BPM. The Chords of the song are E, D, A, Esus4 and Fm.
To be young (is to be sad, is to be high)
“To Be Young (Is to Be Sad, Is to Be High)” is an alternative country rock song that was released in 2000 on his album “Heartbreaker.” This is the only song on his debut solo album that was co-written with guitarist David Rawlings.
The song is in the key of C major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 108 BPM. The strumming pattern primarily involves a mix of downstrokes and upstrokes, creating a rhythmic and engaging feel that complements the song’s youthful and carefree spirit. The chords of the song are G, C, C7, D, Em, Am, Em9, GMaj7/B, Dadd4/F#, Gmaj7 and C/B.
My winding wheel
“My Winding Wheel” is a soulful song written by Ryan Adams. It was released in 2000 as part of his debut solo album, “Heartbreaker.”
During the recording, Adams used his Gibson J-45 acoustic guitar and a vintage microphone that he had purchased at a flea market just before the session.
The song is in the key of G# major, maintaining a 4/4 time signature with a moderate tempo around 74 BPM. Chords used in the song encompass Am, G, C, Bm, D and C/B, playing it with the capo on the 1st fret.
Let it ride
“Let It Ride” is a captivating song by the talented singer-songwriter Ryan Adams, co-written with his band The Cardinals. It was released in 2005 as part of the album “Cold Roses.”
During the recording of “Let It Ride,” Ryan Adams and The Cardinals were working with legendary producer Tom Schick. The song starts out with a beautiful finger style guitar intro that is the main guitar theme for the song.
The song is in Dm, with a 4/4 time signature and a moderate tempo around 82 BPM. The song is played with the capo on the 5th fret and the chords for the song are Am, F, C and G.
“Magick” is a lively and energetic song by Ryan Adams and The Cardinals. Released in 2008 on his album “Cardinology,” and known for its rock and roll spirit.
The song is played in Bm, in 4/4 time with a tempo around 90 BPM. The rhythm primarily involves a down-down-up-up-down-up strumming pattern. The chords used in the song are Bm, D A, E, B and G.
“Mockingbird” is a song by Ryan Adams, released in 2005 on his album “Cold Roses.” The album was recorded with his band “The Cardinals” and was well received by critics and fans alike.
The song itself is a melancholic ballad about a man who is trying to make a relationship work but feels like his efforts are not enough.
The song is played in C#m, with a 4/4 time signature and a tempo of 100 BPM. Chords used in the song encompass C#m, E, A, F#m and Bm.
Sweet Illusions
“Sweet Illusions” is a song by Ryan Adams and the Cardinals and was released in 2005 as part of his album “Cold Roses”.
In “Sweet Illusions”, Adams sings about the pain of letting go of someone he loves, even though he knows it’s for the best. The song is a poignant reminder that sometimes, even when we know something isn’t right for us, it can be hard to let go.
The song is played in Bm, played with the capo on the 2nd fret using the chords Am, G, C, F and Dm.
When will you come back home
“When Will You Come Back Home” is an acoustic alternative country ballad that was released in 2005 on his album “Cold Roses.” with his band The Cardinals.
The song is in the key of E major, played with the capo on the 2nd fret and the chords for the song are D, A, G, Em, Bm and Esus4.
Give me something good
“Give Me Something Good” is a song by Ryan Adams that was released in 2014 as part of his self-titled album. The song is a driving rock anthem with a catchy melody and a powerful chorus.
The song was inspired by Adams’ love of classic rock and roll, and he has cited bands like AC/DC and Van Halen as influences. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Adams said that he wanted to create a song that would make people feel good and get them excited about music again.
The song is played in Bm with the capo on the 2nd fret, using the chords Am, G, Fsus2, F, A, C and Am7.
My wrecking ball
“My Wrecking Ball” is a touching song that was released in 2014 on his self-titled album “Ryan Adams,” the songwriting in this track reflects Adams’ ability to convey raw emotion and vulnerability.
During the recording, Adams used a 1970 Harmony Buck Owens American acoustic guitar with the unmistable red white and blue finish.
The song is played with the capo on the 4th fret and the chords are F, C, Gsus4, Am7, Fmaj7, Fmaj9 and C/B.
Answering bell
“Answering Bell” is a compelling song released in 2001 on his album “Gold” and later released as a live version on “Live at Carnegie Hall”.
The music video for the song was directed by Luke Scott and was loosely based on “The Wizard of Oz”. The video features cameos by Elton John, Adam Duritz (Counting Crows), and singer-songwriter Leona Naess, who was briefly engaged to Adams.
The song is in the key of G major and the chords for the song are G, Bm, C, Cadd9, D/F#, Em7 and D.
Honestly.. before today I had never heard about Ryan Adams.
That’s probably my fault for not keeping up with newer and upcoming artists (and when I say new, I’m talking about anything in this century lol)
..and I’ll be the first to admit that is a weak spot of mine or for any musician to do, because there’s a lot of really good talent out there and it’s important to keep track of it all.
I guess I’ve been stuck way back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s were I feel a deep connection to the music of my youth.
To my surprise.. I’m getting some very similar vibes of Dylan, and Neil Young in Ryan’s playing and sound.
I guess I was losing hope that I’d ever find music, that had true “feeling” in this new era we are in.
I’m glad my eyes are open again and with that.. I gotta send a great big “Thank you” to Klaus, for opening them to Ryan Adams and for giving me hope that the true feeling of great music transcends through time.
I haven’t listened to more then just a few songs but I’m thoroughly impressed with his skill and style, and look forward to listening and learning
all of Ryan’s music.
Although even more so, I’ve been given a wake up call (that was far overdue).
Sincerest gratitude to you, Klaus Crow for the many ways you help musicians (old and new)
Hi Chris,
Most of us tend to get stuck in the music where we grew up with. I’m no better, but I try to keep an open mind. I try to listen to new music and new artists as well, different styles and the music my kids and guitar students listen to nowadays.
Ryan is one of those rare diamonds that keeps making great music that transcends through time.
Yes he is definitely influenced by artist like Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen and many others, but he has a unique style, sound and voice that is truly Ryan Adams.
Thanks for your feedback,
I appreciate it.