Every important change you’ve made in your life started with an act of imagination.
Your imagination is the source of everything that you are and will be.
If you want to become the guitar player you really want to be or accomplish other great things in your life you have to imagine it.
And with “Imagine it” I don’t mean just some random one-time-only wish of yours.
You have to really believe what you want and imagine it several times every single day. You have start breathing the life you want to live. Just start living it and acting towards it.
No matter what other people will tell you or how they try to discourage you, if you believe it (without listening the other peoples voice in your head), if you can imagine it vividly and it feels true to you then life will unfold in that manner and a path will lead you to awesomeness.
You will attract the right people and the right circumstances at the right time.
You have to continuously follow your heart in this. There is experimenting involved, exploring new territory and although it may be challenging, if there’s something inside of you that says you can do it then do it. But it’s important to imagine it lively, believe and feel it as if you already accomplished it.Continue Reading