May 15, 2019 by Klaus Crow
photo from Istockphoto
So why should you play guitar?
Well, I can tell you a 100 reasons why it will improve your life, but I think 50 will do. First let’s start with a few reasons why you shouldn’t play any other instrument:
– 1 Have you ever hung around on the beach with your friends around a nice little campfire while you were playing your bass guitar to entertain everyone?…
– 2 Did you ever take a piano with you, carrying it on your bike on the way to your girlfriend to perform a serenade?…
– 3 Did you ever play a drum kit so everyone could sing along?…
My fellow musicians I’m just messing around :-)
Now let me give you some good reasons why you should pick up that guitar and treat it as your holy grail. Here we go!
Guitar playing is a great way to:
– 4 express your creativity.
– 5 learn how to write your own songs.
– 6 impress the love of your life.
– 7 play all kinds of music genres/styles; jazz, blues, classical, spanish, rock, metal, country, pop, etc.
– 8 expand your possibilities.
– 9 accompany yourself or another vocalist.
– 10 play in a band. Every band needs a rhythm or lead guitar player or else just start your own band.
– 11 relax and chill out. ( i prefer my acoustic guitar for this one )
– 12 become a performer.
– 13 just show everyone what a cool dude you are. :)
– 14 explore and break boundaries.
– 15 teach others.
– 16 be more mobile and flexible as a musician.
– 17 attract attention.
– 18 entertain people or yourself.
– 19 love life and live it to the fullest.
– 20 achieve your dream goal.
– 21 Rebel ( ever heard about Bob Dylan, The Stones or Jimi Hendrix )
– 22 learn to understand music, artists, musicians and why they do what they do.
– 23 feel good about yourself.
– 24 become a singer/songwriter.
– 25 play beautiful sounding chords.
– 26 travel the world without money.
– 27 be social or creating a social life.
– 28 forget about your troubles or daily business.
– 29 break out of the 9 to 5 life.
– 30 to be productive.
– 31 make a descent living or really good money.
– 32 make yourself heard.
– 33 grow.
– 34 to build self confidence.
– 35 grow further. (becoming a multi-instrumentalist, producer, sound-engineer, studio musician, etc.)
– 36 to play the blues ( in order to feel the blues, you need someone to break your heart. )
– 37 inspire others.
– 38 be spiritual.
– 39 learn a song in one week.
– 40 conquer the world.
– 41 set your soul on fire.
– 42 annoy your parents.
– 43 to express your happiness, sadness or even madness.
– 44 become disciplined or reckless.
– 45 drift away.
– 46 learn a good skill and become talented.
– 47 Rock ‘n Roll!
– 48 have some peace and quiet. ( if you play nice and easy )
– 49 simplify.
– 50 be proud of yourself!
I only have one reason to play guitar..coz I luv it…
1) Why not a violin then? Or a trumpet? Those are portable.
Of course those are great instruments too,
but you can’t sing along while playing a trumpet and a violin is just less cool. (cool but less cool) :)
Can u post a more detailed reasons?
I believe these all apply to the ukulele as well
They certainly do :-)
Klaus Crow
haha, awesome!
number 1: ouch! i did that once. hahahaha….im brushing up on thinner six stringers:D cool article
That sort of helped
I also love violin
Number 41! I have passion for guitars
I’ve wanted to learn the guitar since I was 16, but somehow couldn’t. So i decided now I must do it! Only because i love music, I don’t want to start a band or anything.I’m going to turn 20 this summer, and my 15 year old cousin who is a guitar pro made me conscious that I’m too old to learn it now? What do you guys think, its not just a high school thing right? It can be my college thing too right?
Hi Zara,
You can learn it at any age. And 20 is early enough! Just put in the hours of practice and you’ll reap the benefits.
Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it. If you feel like learning to play guitar you definitely should. You can do it!
Best regards,
Klaus Crow
Hey Klaus,
Thankyou for the inspiration! This summer i’m to start learning and practice and practice!! :D
Best Regards,
I realized 43 is definitely my goal,but I’m still not sure how to do it.
i live in an old big house and we were sorting the loft out and i found this custom guitar covered in dust but pretty good condition. I looked up the code on it and it dates back to 1964 an i bought an amp and it sounds awesome. Im 13 and im keeping this guitar for life.
Certain points imply that you can be so successful as to quit your nine to five job and play for a living and/or you can travel the globe playing guitar and people will just open up their doors to you for free. That’s a pretty far-fetched notion, Klaus! You’d have to be pretty darn popular to travel the world for free and quit your day job just because you can play guitar! Playing the instrument doesn’t guarantee any of the points you’ve made..especially these..but it’s nice to think so. :)
..and to the “blues” point.. “Life” can break your heart. You don’t need to have been in a relationship at all to play the blues. You just need to be ALIVE.
Otherwise, you’ve listed pretty decent reasons to keep playing. ;)
Hey, point 13, what about Dudette?
I inherited my dad’s old guitar and I am trying to decide if it’s worth it to make some repairs on it. You make a great point that playing the guitar will help me to express my creativity. It would be really cool in the future to be able to write and play my own songs as a way to express myself and I think it would definitely be worth it to repair the guitar!
Thanks for listing the reasons to learn guitar lessons. I am thinking of enrolling my daughter in class this summer on musical instruments. It’s good to know that aside from it is a nice way to express her creativity, I like that it helps her build her self-confidence. Hopefully, I can find an instructor here in town.
Play guitar because it won’t play itself.