May 12, 2019 by Klaus Crow

I’m always curious to look back and see if I accomplished a few of my new years resolutions, and it’s nice to see that I did. It’s good any way it goes, but here are some that I managed to do:
I woke up at 5 am, stretched, ran and practiced the Wim Hof Method on a regular basis (life changing), I read a lot of books (more than ever), I learned a complete repertoire of my favorite acoustic songs and performed them on stage. I wrote song lyrics, I switched to Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro and learned enough to do the job, made (and ate) more healthy lunches and dinners, and a few other things I didn’t plan for.
Of course, to be fair, there are things that didn’t make the cut. I meditated, but not nearly enough. I didn’t record any songs, and my jazz practice fell short.
Still, I am happy of the things I did do and I’m hungry for the things that are yet to come.
The beauty is that there is a whole new year ahead of us abundant in time and space to create, practice, explore, grow, improve, become wiser and braver, more disciplined and persistent, and relaxed and flexible at the same time so we can enjoy this upcoming adventure with renewed energy.
As always I want to share my goals (or resolutions as you will):
– Keep improving and expanding my soloing and improvisation skills.
– Learn songs and solos of great guitar players to influence my playing.
– Practice speed and dexterity
– Learn to make more delicious healthy recipes
– Running, Stretching, Calisthenics, Jumprope, Meditate, WHM
– Read more and faster (Breakthrough Rapid Reading)
– Learn and add more favorite songs to my repertoire
– Write songs
– Start a musical duo with my wife (she’s also a guitar player and singer)
– Become wiser
I would love for you to accomplish your goals and challenges in 2019 and hope you would like to share some in the comments . I really appreciate it.
I wish you an amazing, happy and healthy new year!
Klaus Crow
Hi Klauss, you managed to accomplish alot this year. As a Guitarist, it’s really easy to fall back into old habits, and play the same old things without every really “practicing”. I too share have the goal to learn songs and solos of great guitar players to influence my playing. Specifically, to learn Slash’s guitar run from “Sweet Child O Mine”. (About halfway through the solo.)
I can nail every part of the solo except that 5 second section. A few weeks ago, I said enough already and practiced that run for a few hours. I had a breakthrough and finally nailed that part. It had alluded me for so many years, but I met my goal eventually.
Hi Kelsey,
Wow, what a great story. I totally get you and I’ve been there with the exact same solo and that fast part. It was killing me. It feels awesome to break through that wall, and yes it takes practice, a lot of practice. First it’s frustrating, but after a while the practice becomes addictive, and that’s when the change comes. Good for you!
I also recognize the pitfall of only playing what you already know. There’s a point where a guitar player has learned to solo and improvise to a certain extent and unconsciously gets stuck in a rut. A lot of guitar players stay where they are. That’s a pity, because the joy, the improvement and the excitement grows when you study new material.
Thanks for sharing.
I wish you a great new year.
Keep picking!
Klaus Crow
Happy New Year Klaus!
Hi Klaus,
I wish you a Happy NewYear!!!
Hi guys,
Thanks, Happy New Year to you too!
Klaus Crow
Thanks for sharing! its really usefull
Everybody has own goals, it will help us keep focus and learning better. Thanks for sharing your goals!
Hi Charles and Guitarra Electrica,
I appreciate your comments.
I always share my goals, hopefully to inspire others to act on their goals.
Klaus Crow