May 12, 2019 by Klaus Crow
There are times when life gets in the way of playing, and practicing is falling short. Real short. Like zero activity.
Don’t worry, that can happen. There’s no reason to panic.
The trouble really starts when more and more time passes and your guitar is getting from dusty to rusty. That’s when the alarm bells need to go off.
At this time your mind is creating it’s own illogical explanation for not getting behind the instrument.
It’s going to rationalize your absence of regular woodshedding. You will start telling yourself these stories like, “I’m always late from work”, “I’m just too old for this”, “My fingers are getting sore or stiff”, “I have my kids to take care of”, “I just don’t have what it takes”, or “I’m just too tired”. There are a zillion of those you can come up with.
Just stop making those up! They are all worthless excuses. Don’t believe them for a second. They are things you choose to tell yourself, but they are not real.
They are lies that crawl up because you don’t play. You got to play to get back in the groove!
Here’s what you got to do:Continue Reading