May 12, 2019 by Klaus Crow

Today I’m happy to announce the launching of my new website
YourGuitarChords is a simple, clear and Easy-To-Use website that focuses on the most essential chords you need to know to build your chord vocabulary!
Each chord is shown in 5 different positions using the most practical, common used and best sounding chord shapes.
Whether you need simple easy chords for beginners or more challenging blues rock & jazz chords, it’s all there. And the best thing is, it’s free. :)
Let’s take a look how the website works:
Easy Navigation
The website has a top menu displaying all keys for every chord. Scroll over a key and you will see two submenus for major and minor chords. Click or scroll over these submenus to see all chord types. Chords with an arrow-down icon have an extra submenu with more related chord types.
The Chords
When you choose a chord in the menu it will appear BIG on the screen. This will give you a clear view for every chord. For each chord you can choose five different chord shapes / variations. These are shown below the main chord.
Each of the five chord shapes are played in a different position on the neck. Each time you click on one of the smaller chords it will be shown Big, Plain, Simple and Clear.
Fret Numbers
A green number next to the chord diagram indicates the fret number. For example, a “5” next to the chord diagram means that specific fret is the 5th fret on the neck. The fret below that is the 6th fret and so on.
How to Read
If you don’t know how to read a chord diagram there’s a link in the right sidebar on the website How to Read a Chord Diagram and other chord notation
YGC Help Kit
The sidebar on the right shows several posts that will help you out on your journey learning new chords.
The Essentials
I have chosen to build a website that doesn’t have a zillion chord types (which most of them you will never use), but one that contains only the most essential chords that you’ll need for the songs you want to learn, chords with beautiful sounds that will inspire you to play, practice, study and create your own music.
I will continue to update the website with more essential chords along the way and of course you’ll be the first to know. This website is build for you “The eager student”.
I hope you like YourGuitarChords and may it be a valuable tool to improve your guitar playing.
Let me know what you think about the website in the comments below. I appreciate it.
Warm regards,
Klaus Crow