May 18, 2021 by Klaus Crow
My guitar students can’t understand me. Even my wife, who knows me better than anyone else. It’s that one day I will turn on my favorite heavy metal records as loud as I can and indulge in these amazing killer riffs, and the next day I will be just playing and singing country music or some of the most easiest guitar songs as if my life depends on it. What can I say? I just love music.
There is so much love and heartache put in every song of every band and artist. If you take the time to really, really listen you can feel and understand it. No matter the style.
Besides that, there is so much to gain for your playing from learning all these different types of music. I can’t stress it enough.
So today we’re going to dive into 50 of the best country songs of all time. Wow, did I have fun creating this list and listening and playing all these songs. I hope you will too.
As always, note that the list is in no particular order and incomplete. If your favorite artist is not in this list, then it should be :) The list is here to inspire you, to take that guitar out of the stand and play.
Click the song title to listen to the song on Youtube, click the “chords” link to show you the chords of the song, and next to it, more great songs from your favorite country artist or band.
Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Please share your favorite country guitar song in the comments. I appreciate it.
Enjoy the list!
1 – I walk the line – Johnny Cash – Chords – More Chords on Amazon
2 – I’m so lonesome I could cry – Hank Williams – Chords
3 – He stopped loving her today – George Jones – Chords
4 – Crazy – Patsy Cline – Chords