March 29, 2021 by Klaus Crow
Every now and then I’m on the look out for new handy tools online that makes the life of a guitar player easier, more efficient, effective and more comfortable.
Guitar playing and the stuff that comes with it like backing up your audiofiles, writing down your lyrics and music becomes even more enjoyable if you got the right tools for the job.
Or some nice blues backingtracks to improvise over. It makes practicing a hell of a lot more fun.
Let’s take a look at these guitar productivity tools:
– Notation sheets for every instrument and vocals
– Awesome guitar backingtracks. Search by artist, random or genre.
– Unlimited Online backup storage for all your precious audio files and everything else for only $3 a month
– Online audio/video/ebook converter
– Spotify is a really good sounding/looking Online Social Music Streaming Tool next to, and Soundcloud
– Audio speed tempo pitch changer (reducing audiospeed while remaining pitch and vice versa)
for Windows: Windows Media Player 12
for Mac: Audiolobe
– Songwriter tool used by famous artists and producers including Rob Thomas and David Foster.
– The 150 Essential Chords Ebook I would be a fool not to recommend my own 150 Essential Chord Ebook. A good organized, categorized and easy to read chord book with a nice layout. Free to download.
– Reading sheet music:
A short
An extended version:
– More Tools 21-must-have-online-musician-tools-for-guitar-players
If you know some cool guitar productivity tools, please share it in the comments.
I appreciate it.
Klaus Crow